Sunday, November 25, 2012

Heart throbs and heart thumping!

There's something about watching a Bollywood movie that makes one fall in love with the whole experience. Perhaps I'm a little biased, being an Indian myself. Then again perhaps not. Most people when asked, remember Bollywood movies for the kaleidoscope of colours, the  foot-tapping, body-swaying beats, and of course how could we forget the handsome men and gorgeous women! There's something in them that appeals to everyone across borders from the young to the even younger. There's something more though, I feel than just the visual and auditory experience of sitting through a three-hour long movie. 

In rural India, movies are an event. People work hard the whole week, or the whole month and then they spend part of that hard-earned money to watch people- people that they have never met and might never even meet- on a big screen that does not guarantee a return on their money spent. Sounds crazy and maybe even stupid. Yet the movie industry in India is the largest in the world, churning out hundreds of movies every year. We can't argue with the numbers.

Everyone loves a good movie; so what is it about a Bollywood movie that makes a person come back again and again? It's more than just the music and the good-looking actors. I think it's about dreams. It's about fantasies. It's about being transported into another world. Sometimes its about escape from reality. Pretending that we are the one's in that movie. The hero who does all those stunts. Or the beautiful woman who captures the heart of the hero. Living in another world and another's life. It's really all in our imagination and the beautiful thing is that the movie gives one the freedom to imagine that life could be different. That each of us could be someone different than who we are today. So what if that were true? What if we really could be different and live a different life than we are today? If everything is really all in our mind, and if we create our own reality; then the only thing holding us back is the extent of our imagination.