Saturday, February 9, 2013

What do trees and our memory have in common?

What do trees represent to you? For most, and certainly for me trees represent growth, expansion, life, networking, productivity, relationships, and last but certainly not least- consistency. If you ask a child to draw a tree, they would perhaps draw a picture of a tree trunk with leaves coming out from the top. Some children, perhaps the older ones may draw roots growing into the ground. Or some such similar representation.

What strikes me the most is that the tree is such a universal symbol of life and growth. I'm sure every language on earth has a word that conveys the image of a tree. It may not be the same image that each of us has in our mind, but I'm sure it would be similar. In some cultures and religions trees are even worshipped as they are believed to house tree spirits. In Christianity and Judaism, there is the story of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Trees represent the cycle of life- from birth to growth to decay, and hen to resurrection.

So what do trees have to do with memory, and more pertinently, increasing your memory? Trees represent networks, and our mind works by way of association. So for example if we want to remember a certain idea, we can break it down into smaller ideas and sub-ideas that are related to the main idea. We can create a mental tree that links related ideas together. We can add in images and pictures to those ideas to remember them better. Our mind can easily trace the visual pathway, and connect ideas together for either present or future use.

The relationship between our understanding of an idea and the idea itself is very important. When I mentioned the word 'tree' what was the first thought that popped into your head ? Just as the more time we spend with a certain person or people, the stronger our relationship with that person or those people becomes. The stronger our relationship to a certain idea, the more likely we will be to remember that idea. How we link ideas is specific to our background and the way we view the world at large. No two people think the same way, not even twins!

A tree is a powerful image, and when used wisely can be a great tool to further not just our memory, but also our imagination.

p.s Please also click on:
To learn how to further improve your memory!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What are you selling?

Selling. For most the word conjures up images of salesmen trying to force you to buy something you really don't want or need. Not too long ago I too would have put myself in the category of people who either didn't like selling or considered themselves incapable of selling. I would have much preferred to spell a word than sell a word!

Seriously though, why does the very word strike fear into the hearts of so many, and sheer joy into the hearts of a blessed few? Why are so many terrorized by thoughts of having to sell something?

Especially when the irony is that EVERYONE is selling something, it's just that a minority are actually getting paid for it! What do people sell? Everything! From politics to religion to friendship to love to sex- you name it and its already been sold!

The funnier truth is that many of us would rather sell for free than get paid for doing it. Think about the last time you told someone to try a new restaurant, a new boutique, a new hardware appliance? It doesn't really matter what the product is, the only thing that matters is that we liked it, we were greatly benefitted by it- enough to tell someone else about it.

And that's really at the heart of true selling. It's purpose is not to put a hole in your pocket or a tear in your purse lining for a nonsense product. True salespeople sense a need in their customers and seek to provide a solution. The master salespeople create a need where there may not have been one before. And really it isn't as hard as it seems. And yes it can be learned if one is willing.

Remember the last time you told a friend to try a new café? What motivated you to do that? And then imagine how you felt when your friend did try it and liked it as much as you did? How did you feel? Happy? Satisfied? And what if your friend didn't like it? Did it stop you from sharing your information with other friends? Most likely not.

The truth is we all sell, regardless of the product, regardless of whether we get paid for it or not. The danger is when we become greedy, or when we sell something that we ourselves don't value or don't believe in. But make no mistake-
we all sell. The only question remaining is- what are you selling today?

p.s. Yes I'm selling too!
p.p.s Please click on to find out more.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why following your passion is vital for optimum health.

Many years ago (I'm so tempted to say just a few years ago!), when I was just a wee lass studying in school, I was asked an interesting question by my literature teacher. Not just me of course, but my whole class. And yes I am still a wee lass, not too much has changed in the height department, however much has changed in almost all other departments!

Back to the question; we were asked what the difference was between the three words- surviving, existing, and living? It seemed just a case of semantics, perhaps each word could be use in different contexts. As I was explaining to one of my students the other day; we can derive the meaning of a word when we consider its context. Otherwise we would have to spend most of our waking hours learning new words! At that time I was just focused on analyzing the words for the purpose of the lesson. Not as a metaphor for life itself.

The fact that I still remember that question and the three words shows that I'm now looking at new contexts in which to explore the words. Are we just existing? Plodding along from day to day without a real reason or purpose for living? Or are we just surviving? Barely making it through from day to day? And this does not just imply financially; it could mean physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in every area of our lives. Or are we really and truly living? Discovering and living out our purpose for being on his planet? I'm sure none of us believes we were accidents; even if we may profess and behave like it sometimes.

It may take some to discover what it is we are passionate about. Like myself for example. if you had asked me even as late as last year what my passion was, I would not have been able to answer. And honestly I was embarrassed. I just knew that from a very young age I wanted to help people. The only thing that remained was how. Now I would be able to tell you that I love writing, reading, meeting people from different cultures.

So its ok to take a little longer, because as long as we keep discovering what we are passionate about, we find out who we really are too. When we keep searching, we will find what we're looking for. The journey inwards can be one of the hardest ones to make, and yet the most rewarding. And when we find ourselves that's when we really, and truly start to live.