Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It took my breath away

I was walking 
Down the side walk and when 
I looked up 
My breath was taken away 
It wasn't a human sight that 
Took my breath away 
Although there are plenty of 
Beautiful Mortals 
That can steal your breath and make 
You Pause 

No it wasn't a human sight 
Although it was my eyes that saw 
As a mere human 
Something that was so far away and 
Yet so near 
So beautiful and yet incomprehensible to
A mere mortal 
I saw a white light shining behind a dark cloud 
And I kept looking 
And kept walking 
And the dark cloud gradually slinked away 
And I saw what was hiding behind 
Tried to hide because really it could not hide 
The Moon 
Not just any moon 
A Full, White, Round Glorious Moon 
And as I kept walking, it seemed almost toward it 
I wanted to follow it but the irony was 
It seemed to follow me 
Egocentric thoughts, of course 
Mere human thoughts, of course 
It seemed to shine brighter and brighter as the dark clouds completely moved away 
And as I turned a corner It never left 
I walked past buildings that I thought could hide It 
Perhaps momentarily 
Never for forever 

It was strangely comforting 
A humanly spiritual experience 
Or a spiritually human experience 
That our lives revolve around a much greater Purpose 
That every single experience we have 
Is not really ours 
That sometimes we have to extricate ourselves from the mess we make of our lives 
And look at things from a much higher and a far removed perspective 

Could we compare the Moon to God? 
There are similarities after all 
He's there beside us at our every waking moment as well as our sleeping ones 
When we turn a corner He's there 
Even though we may not see Him, when everything seems dark 
He never left 
And it gives us the courage to continue down our Path 
Turning corners, passing buildings 
Only to turn another corner and find Him 
Still there 
A wonderfully comforting though 
It takes my breath away