Monday, September 21, 2015

The other side of Love

Consuming and crazy 
Hot and cold 
Powerful and passionate 
Bitter and sweet 

Love in its many forms 
And we can question not 
How it ebbs and flows 
The whys and the how's 

Like coffee and chocolate 
Dark and melting 
Browns and blacks 
And milky white too 
With a sparkle or red 

Cherished and hugged 
To have and to hold 
Hands and mouths entangled 
Bodies aflame 

The other side of love 
Which one? 
Its not for our minds to comprehend 
Just our hearts 

Love comes 
Sometimes in a rush 
All at once 
And sometimes it crawls 
Taking its own sweet time 
Knowing ultimately 
That it will arrive 
On Time and 
In perfect time  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

3 Reasons Why Giving up is Not Your best option.

I love options. 

Ask any of my friends and you'll very likely see their heads nod in agreement. Throw in a little eye-rolling too. 

But doesn't everyone love options? 
When you walk into any supermarket you're bombarded with at least ten different flavors of ice-creams, another seven for milk; non-fat, full cream, 1%, 2%, skimmed, chocolate, strawberry, get the picture. 

The secret to grocery shopping is of course to use a list. A list that clearly states the exact item and quantity, basically leaving no room for guessing. 

Because therein lies the danger. 

Guesswork can cause your heart rate (or the husbands) to escalate when you reach the cash register. Especially if you're shopping on an empty stomach. 

So options may not always be your best friend. 

Take it from someone who loves them. I even sometimes consider myself an options dealer. From someone who finds packing for a holiday a highly challenging chore. I need to have wardrobe and footwear options- packing light is still a little like finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I'm sure I'll get there though, suitcase and all. 

So reason number one is: just don't (give up). Remove that option from your mind. 

Reason number two, consider your remaining options after removing the 'don't give up' one. 

What are your reasons for living? Family, contribution...there doesn't have to be a lot. 

When you sift and sieve through the clutter and the distractions surrounding you, you might find one tiny reason hanging on, as fine and as resilient as a single strand that makes up the silky web of a spidery cobweb. And just as sticky too. 

Reason number three: new opportunities. What kind of new opportunities you might ask? 

First you might have to remove the 'jaded' filter, the 'cynical' one, the 'depressed' one, and instead put on the 'curious' one, or even just the 'grateful' one. Once you change these filters a whole new world could open up. 

Look at life around you like a kid would, apart from throwing tantrums every now and then kids are crazily curious. 

They ask hundreds of questions, and they want to see and touch everything around them. We can't totally mimic them, but you get the picture. You might find you want to start a new business, a new skill, a complete career change. 

With just a month left until the end of the year, start preparing. Turn off the thoughts that tell you you can't do stuff, and turn on the productive and the creative ones. 

If you run out of ideas, Google. You might find yourself running out of hours with all that can be done. 

There's an endless amount of resources available now for anyone, there's literally no excuse to not do anything. 

To not turn your life around. 

To not live in a better space. 

To not start a new business. 

To not spend more time with your family. 

To not travel to those places that you've always wanted to travel to. 

To just not give up. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

What are you looking for?

Do you just see the muddy road?
the colour of a glass of chocolate milk?

Do you see the dark grey stormy clouds
the shining silver lining behind?

Do you see derelict buildings
The opportunity to build and repair?

Do you smell the stench of rotting vegetables
The joy of having a bowl of fresh organic salad

Do you see the creases and crows feet
The tiny spark of hope in the eye

Do you see unpainted, uncared for feet
The story of strength behind

Do you see anger spent
The years of abuse lying dormant

Do you see tired hands
A labour of love

It's not just the physical eyes that need to see
The eyes of the Heart

See beyond the outer
And learn to read between the lines
Look for whats not obvious
And start seeing that which begs to be seen

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Do you belong?

Feeling wanted 
In possession of 
intimacy with another 
Feeling secure 
A relationship 

A Myriad of ways to define belonging 
So why this endless search to find it? 

People search for belonging in what they do 
In what they wear 
In where they live 
In what others around them are doing and saying
People search for relationships that fulfill
not realizing that belonging starts with knowing your Self. 
That belonging is independent of and 
Mutually exclusive with our environment

Who are you really? 
Just as the sage Greek philosophers emphasized to Know Thyself.
Therein lies our answer. 
The search therefore is not so much to belong, 
but to find ourselves. 

That Higher Self that the metaphysicians so often tell us. 
Maintaining a fine balance between Freud's Id, Ego and SuperEgo. 
We may not need to go beyond looking into the eyes of the person staring back at us in the mirror. 
At least to start with. 
That exciting journey within to find that 
Sense of 

Perhaps it's about love in its truest form
You cannot give that which you do not have. 
We want to feel loved and accepted. 
But do we really love and accept ourselves first?  
Do we have an intimate relationship with ourself? 
Are we whole beings walking around or do we need to pick up the shards lying around us
Shards that when glued just might create a magnificent piece of art 
Pieces that might be cracked 
But pieces that belong to each other 
Pieces with a purpose 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Living in the in-betweens

Life is lived in the in betweens
In between what though? 
Between birthdays 
Those glorious celebrations 
Of family 
Blood kinship 
People who've seen us at our very best 
Our absolute worst 
With whom we quarrel over both 
Significant snd insignificant issues 
People who've shared our happiest moments 
And our harshest defeats 
We've been given family as
Mirroring shadows 
Who hold us accountable to our 
Words and actions 
We get to celebrate each of them 

Birthdays of friends
Who give family stiff competition 
Though not bound by blood 
By equally if not stronger bonds of love 
Those people 
Who gradually move from being 
Strangers to friends 
A word so simple it belies the
strength and depth 
Of every single experience that went into 
Making that person a friend
People who make themselves available when you need 
Who more often than you might realize  
Go beyond and out of their way for 

Relationships that so enrich your life
Words seem redundant 
Often falling short 

If we could imagine life lived as a 
Series of endless birthdays 
With moments of routine slipping in
It might perhaps make life so much 
More hopeful
Make us so much more grateful 
For the people who give us reason to 
Celebrate and make those in between 
Go so much faster 

Monday, May 11, 2015

The girl in the blue dress

She came toward him 
As if in a dream 
Or did he rise? 
He couldn't be sure who walked 
Toward whom first 
Not that it made a difference 
He felt he was floating 

He couldn't be sure what 
Caught his eye
Was it the pitch black of her
Curly hair or eyes
Was it the downward sweep of her 
as she looked down 
To make sure her dress wasn't caught in
Her shoes 
Was it the gentle arch of her furrowed brows concentrated on 
Every step in front of her 

Was it her shy smile as she glanced at him
With a flash of even white teeth beneath 
Was it the way she walked
The gentle sway of her hips 
Moving to a rhythm all her own 
He couldn't take his eyes off of her 

Perhaps it was the blue dress
She wore 
Not just any blue 
But the colour of the sky after a
Warm sunny day passes 
As the sun lowers beyond the horizon 
To rest before it rises again 
A blue so deep 
It soothed the eyes
Her dress that drew the outline of her 
Shapely body 
Shot through with silvery threads 
He knew he had to have her. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Paradise, Found

What if paradise existed right now, right here? 
All around you? 
What if the only step you needed to take was a small one, 
A baby one even? 
As minute as opening your eyes 
Your emotional eyes,
Your mental eyes,
Your spiritual eyes, not just your physical eyes? 

What would it be like to really feel true, inexhaustible 
What if you just knew in that minds eye of yours that every decision you made was the right one? 
That even the wrong ones would lead you to the right ones? 
How would you feel then? 

What would it feel like to really connect with someone? 
To look deep into their eyes, past the irises, the corneas, the colours and really see 
Who he is or 
Who she is ? 

To not just peek through their windows 
But to have them open the door to you and welcome you into their lives 
Into their souls 
To see their pulse beating in their throat when they tell you how terrified they were when they thought they had 
No one left 
When every vestige of hope was taken away from them 
When they thought their lives were shattered into a million pieces and 
They would forever be searching 

The change 
When hope lends a sparkle 
Like clusters of diamonds 
And they Know they've been 

Found that Paradise 
Once so elusive and chased 
Existed within them 
The moment they found themselves 
Even more 
Paradise was all around them 
That they had the Power to create their own Paradise and know that it would last 
For as long as they had breath

And lastly they found the true beauty in themselves 
Picking up the million shattered pieces of their lives 
They created a mirror that magnified the 
Brilliance of their souls 
Where looking in they saw 

Monday, January 12, 2015

What do cookies, decisions and Nike have in common?

Some people just know how to make decisions. 

I'm not one of them. It's hard for me to decide on something, especially when there are so many choices to choose from. 

I've learned a secret to decision making though, which may or may not make it easier for you. I found it's helped me from that horrible habit of procrastinating which so many of us seem to suffer from. I'm not entirely cured of it but I can say I've improved.  

Make it. A decision is an act. It has to be made. We make a choice to do something, even though sometimes we might think we've been compelled by external sources. 

Nothing external can compel you until that little internal switch has been flipped. Sometimes it's a matter of being in the right time at the right place, perhaps even with the right person. 

I was sitting at a very lovely cafe and had just ordered a café latté. There was a decision process even with that latté; I had been to this particular café before and I had previously ordered their South Indian coffee which was just alright. 

I was in the mood for trying something a little different, and I wanted a coffee with milk. So my decision to order a café latté was not only spontaneous to some extent, it was also in keeping with my general philosophy in life; to have as many new experiences as possible. 

Once the coffee was brought, I found myself hoping for a cookie to go with it. I didn't see one and I didn't feel like ordering anything from the menu. The Universe must have heard my hearts desire because a few minutes later the kind young waitress brought me a plate of six cookies! There were three different varieties of cookies on the plate. I really only wanted one cookie, so I was left with choosing one. 

There was a dark brown which must have been a chocolate flavored one; as crazy as this sounds I'm not crazy about chocolate. Then there was a thin cream coloured one which seemed like it could have been a butter flavored one, and then there was a slightly thicker one that was a little thicker and rougher to look at. I'm a sucker for anything that remotely looks like it might have coconut in it, so I chose the one that was thicker and rougher in texture. 

Obviously every decision requires some thought process, some more than others. In this case my decision was influenced by my love for coconut. This was a simple decision of course, certainly not in the category of life-changing ones. 

It was significant for me though, because it made me realise how we can actually simplify our decision making process. Some people make a list of pros and cons, and that's one way of narrowing down possibilities. 

But once we make the list of pros and cons we still need to act, in other words decide. It's only until we decide and move on that decision do we understand if that decision is a good one or something to learn from. 

You could even think of decision making as a skill; and like any skill the more you do it, the better you become. One of the perks of getting better at decision making is that we can apply it to any area of our lives. 

We can even decide how we want to feel; we can deliberately decide that we want to feel good today and do so. No matter what anyone might do or say to annoy us, we can choose not to get annoyed. To me that's a win-win. 

We make choices every minute of our lives; do we turn left or right, should we use brown sugar or white, should we stay in that relationship or end it. But once we remove our egos and our emotions, and listen to that still small voice in our heart we can make a good decision. 

Like Nike has been saying for decades now "just do it!" Experience it. And then decide if it's something worth repeating, or not.