Monday, April 6, 2015

Paradise, Found

What if paradise existed right now, right here? 
All around you? 
What if the only step you needed to take was a small one, 
A baby one even? 
As minute as opening your eyes 
Your emotional eyes,
Your mental eyes,
Your spiritual eyes, not just your physical eyes? 

What would it be like to really feel true, inexhaustible 
What if you just knew in that minds eye of yours that every decision you made was the right one? 
That even the wrong ones would lead you to the right ones? 
How would you feel then? 

What would it feel like to really connect with someone? 
To look deep into their eyes, past the irises, the corneas, the colours and really see 
Who he is or 
Who she is ? 

To not just peek through their windows 
But to have them open the door to you and welcome you into their lives 
Into their souls 
To see their pulse beating in their throat when they tell you how terrified they were when they thought they had 
No one left 
When every vestige of hope was taken away from them 
When they thought their lives were shattered into a million pieces and 
They would forever be searching 

The change 
When hope lends a sparkle 
Like clusters of diamonds 
And they Know they've been 

Found that Paradise 
Once so elusive and chased 
Existed within them 
The moment they found themselves 
Even more 
Paradise was all around them 
That they had the Power to create their own Paradise and know that it would last 
For as long as they had breath

And lastly they found the true beauty in themselves 
Picking up the million shattered pieces of their lives 
They created a mirror that magnified the 
Brilliance of their souls 
Where looking in they saw 