Monday, May 11, 2015

The girl in the blue dress

She came toward him 
As if in a dream 
Or did he rise? 
He couldn't be sure who walked 
Toward whom first 
Not that it made a difference 
He felt he was floating 

He couldn't be sure what 
Caught his eye
Was it the pitch black of her
Curly hair or eyes
Was it the downward sweep of her 
as she looked down 
To make sure her dress wasn't caught in
Her shoes 
Was it the gentle arch of her furrowed brows concentrated on 
Every step in front of her 

Was it her shy smile as she glanced at him
With a flash of even white teeth beneath 
Was it the way she walked
The gentle sway of her hips 
Moving to a rhythm all her own 
He couldn't take his eyes off of her 

Perhaps it was the blue dress
She wore 
Not just any blue 
But the colour of the sky after a
Warm sunny day passes 
As the sun lowers beyond the horizon 
To rest before it rises again 
A blue so deep 
It soothed the eyes
Her dress that drew the outline of her 
Shapely body 
Shot through with silvery threads 
He knew he had to have her.