Friday, April 25, 2014


Just when you think 
Or feel 
You can't go another day 

When the rose-tint in your glasses 
Turns grey 
And weeds crowd in on your blossoms 

When the road takes a 
U-turn and 
You're back to square One 

When the pain etched across your 
Imprints in your memory 
Leaving scars 

Hope never ends 
Sometimes it remains silent 
Letting you weep 
And mourn 
For a short while 
It lies dormant 
Letting you believe that 
That there is no more 

But Hope
Cannot stay silent 
It is irrepressible like the 
Sun that rises every morn 
Like the rose that must bloom 
Like the road that straightens ahead 
And no matter the pain 
No matter the sorrow 
Or the rain 
As surely as your heart beats 
Hope lives 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Am I my Sister's Keeper?

How would you answer that question? 

Why should we care? Maybe the real question should be why shouldn't we care? And care about who? Ourselves? Or the people around us? 

It's easy to get so caught up in living our own lives that we increasingly forget that we're living among people. 

Other people. People who are not our family. And not in our friend's circle either. 

Living in Singapore I see people becoming increasingly glued to their gadgets and devices. It seems to be easier to face a gadget than it is to face another person. 

Maybe because gadgets don't ask us tough questions. If they did, it would bring new meaning to the term 'smart phones'! 

Are our 'smart phones' doing us a disservice by isolating us from others? Or are we allowing them to do that to us? Are we allowing them to make robots out of us? Isn't the purpose of technology to connect, and not isolate? 

The irony is that in highly developed societies, people are feeling increasingly lonely. Starved almost, of human connection. But why? When there are people all around us? 

And why, when within our hands lies the decision to change our own life? And perhaps even that of others. 

Maybe we just lack the ability, or rather the confidence to step outside of our little ego- centered circles and talk to someone else. Why should you? Just because. What if you knew that even your hi or your smile brightened someone else's day? 

We're not always privy to details about someone else's life, and very few of us might really know how our words or actions touched another's life. But lack of that knowledge should not stop us from doing what is in our very DNA. 

To Reach out. Make strangers your neighbors. Expand your circle, or better yet never close your circles so there is always room for more. 

Take the first step, and watch your life blossom in ways you may not have ever imagined. Start-ups are never easy, but then what is life without it's myriad challenges? 

Who knows, you may even find your next miracle. 
