Saturday, December 20, 2014

How do you get a heads-start on your New Year resolutions?

The answer is really simple of course. Like all profound answers. 

You could ask Einstein, or Steve Jobs. They had some simply profound answers to some pretty tough questions. And it really comes down to solving problems, or to put it in even simpler terms, finding problems to solve. And then looking for the solution. Sometimes the solution takes awhile, and sometime it's as quick as the next idea that hurtles past you in random succession. 

In school I was always better at words than at numbers. But I remember a little about fractions, even though it took me awhile to conceptualise them. It became a little easier when I looked at them wholistically; maybe even as parts of a pie that gets divided up in different ways. 

What I really remember and what made me launch into this little story is the term 'lowest common denominator'; breaking something up into it's simplest parts. 

How do we apply this to solving a problem? Reduce it to its simplest parts; break it up or break it down until the solution becomes almost obvious. You just need to pick up the biography of any successful entrepreneur and break down their story until you see what they saw as a problem that needed fixing. 

Doggedness. I'm not really sure where this word originates from but you're going to need this if you want to succeed at anything. If you want to know what this means, just picture a dog with a bone. When do they leave that bone alone? 

Never. Unless it gets taken from them. Be that dog with that bone and keep chewing. 

So how do you get a head-start to your New Year Resolutions? 

Start Now. That's really the simplest answer. Why not start now instead of waiting until the New Year rolls around?

 If you start today you'll have a ten day head-start and by the time the 1st of January comes, you would have already formed some empowering new habits. And our lives really revolve around our habits. 

Start now. Start today. De-clutter and simplify your life-style. You decide how you want to live your life, but whatever you decide, do it now. Life happens even in moments of indecision. Make the wrong decisions quickly that lead you into making better decisions. 

Your future depends on the speed of your next decision.