Sunday, July 14, 2013

Frozen moments

Moments frozen in time 
As if captured in a photographers frame 
Thought- provoking 
Soul - searching 
in which Time itself seems to stop 
Locking eyes with a seeming stranger 
Only to discover a friendship of a lifetime 
A Love Eternal? 

Endless long bus rides 
silence between the splash of raindrops 
falling on the windows 
Flashes of thunder and roars of lightening 
Sounds of windshield wipers creaking 
clearing away the old and making room for new 
Sparkling moments 
People glancing at each other and then looking away 
smiling and yet 
lost in private reveries 
with melodious musical scores 

Cool breezes 
Lifting listless hair and Spirits 
whistling around and between 
buildings juxtaposed 
soothing burned hearts 
refreshing Moments 

Sounds of laughter 
high-pitched, rumbling, squeals 
Silence of warms hugs 
bodies melting into each other 
Radiating smiles 
Crooked, perfect, gap-toothed, coffee-stained
Lifting dimpled cheeks and showing glimmering teeth
pure Happiness 

gentle sounds of Footsteps echoing 
On blades of grass 
on empty expanses of tar-black road 
Going Home 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Love's Paradox

They say Love is blind 
As if Love were a person 
When in truth it's an intangible emotion 
Shared between two people 
Fathers and daughters
Mothers and Sons 
Husbands and Wives 
God and Human, which may be the only True Perfect Love 

Ah, but if Love were blind then how is it that two people can happily stay together their whole lives? 
At some point along the journey their eyes open and they see the other for who the other truly is 
Still in love and still loving 

If Love were blind, why do some families stay knitted together? 
Through turbulence, turmoil, and so much more 
It must be more than just blood 
Could it be that invisible bond called 
That gently wraps around, softening every harsh word and dulling every pain? 

And what of friendship? 
Two distinct beings drawn together by not just an interest or a hobby 
Could it not be a simple, pure Love 
Often disguised as 'friendship'? 

They say Love comes softly 
And sometimes Love happens In a blinding rush 
A maddening haste 
Who can tell which is the better? 

They say love is a bed of roses 
With a tender sweet fragrance 
But amidst the roses lie the thorns 
Might that be what makes Love worthwhile ? 

They say that Love brings pain 
The paradox of Life itself 
It is only when we are in pain that we fully comprehend Joy 
The pain points us to Joy 
And such Joy 

If Love were a parody of Life itself
Could we not then equate Love to Life?
And further still
That Love is the very essence of Life
Without which we could do nothing, have nothing, even Be nothing? 
Perhaps then they are synonymous after all 
Love being Life and 
Life being Love 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shining eyes

What makes your eyes shine? 
What sets them aflame ? 
What causes those twin jewels to sparkle? 
Lighting up your life
Showering radiance on the world around you. 

Summer days 
Easy, breezy they say 
Languishing carelessly on the grass 
Picnic baskets strewn 
Sticky sweet fingers 
Hair blown asunder 
Clothes in disarray 
Doesn't really matter 
Your eyes shine 

Autumn glows 
Blazing glorious colors
Reds, Yellows, golds 
Tramping through forests 
Hands clasped together 
Nose twitching in anticipation
Of spicy smells 
Awaiting ecstasy of more golden moments 
A shine in your eyes 

refreshing, cooling 
Chilling, freezing, drenching
Outlines of bodies huddling together under shelters 
Clothes sticking to skin 
Sending sweet shivers rushing 
Scalding tea burning 
Steam rising from roadsides as traffic stops 
Mingling sounds of people chattering and horns beeping 
Running through puddles
Knee- deep, waist high
Children sailing paper-made boats 
Laughing at the water streaming down their faces 
Laughing at the adults squinting in the rain 
Clapping, Splashing 
Childhood innocence 
Leaving shining eyes. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Random Love

To wake with your name on my lips and inscribed on my heart
To fall asleep night after night dreaming 
Of two bright stars 
Always together
Never apart 
Of a world in which there are no good-byes 
A world that celebrates Love and where there is no pain 
No harsh words, 
Only lingering sighs of happiness and tears of joy 

To lie in the safe shelter of your arms 
And see our reflections in each others eyes 
mirrors reflecting each other's souls. 
Where each of our breaths merge into One 
And mist the glass of our hearts 
Fragile glass 
Fragile hearts 
Glass hearts that burn and melt in the heat of loves passion
Molten power that surges like a tide 
Yet cools at the coolness of night 
Filled with the fragrance of Love replete 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

An ode to punctuation.

To tell you the truth I was a little torn on how I could title this blog. After all labels make a difference right? I remember writing composition and essays in school based on pre-chosen topics. Not all of them were to my liking; but then again neither was the whole experience of being in school. The only reason kids really 'like' (no this is not the Facebook 'like') is for almost all other reasons except for the very seemingly obvious reason- to study. But I digress- which was in fact one of my challenges in writing an essay- I invariably digressed. 

So back to labels and how I could have titled this blog: Periods, commas, and exclamations? Or "the mark of a punctuation?" Maybe it doesn't really matter as long as my message gets through. What message you might ask? 

I'm glad you asked. I want to answer this by sharing with you one of my recent tutoring experiences. I was tutoring a young girl and doing my best to drill into her the fundamentals of the English Language. A fairly daunting task actually because the English language contains almost as many exceptions to the rule as there are rules. One of the areas we covered was that of punctuation marks; when we use a comma, or why we need to use a semi-colon, and so on. 

As always being the overly contemplative person that I am, I tried to extend this metaphor of 'punctuation marks' to life, and to the situations we face everyday. If we had to describe a certain situation, or even a person that we found challenging- what kind of punctuation mark would we use? A comma? A full-stop? An exclamation mark? Or a hyphen? To me a comma represents a pause, like taking a breather. We encounter a situation that we find trying and sometimes we need to insert a comma somewhere in the midst of it. To pause and just breathe. A full-stop could mean that we're done with one phase of life and we're ready to move on into another. An exclamation mark shouts success! at accomplishing something that we may not have thought possible before. And perhaps a hyphen means we're undergoing transition. 

These are all just my opinions of course. To someone else the very same punctuation marks could very well mean something entirely different and opposite even. Honestly it doesn't matter. What does matter is how we choose to punctuate our life everyday; with question marks or exclamation marks? We decide how we write and punctuate the composition of our life. 

Esther @