Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Love Collage

It's been said that' " love makes everyone a poet, or a poetess". 
Love makes the world go around, 
And in some extreme cases
Love stops the world from spinning 
Love makes sense 
And yet it creates more confusion than one thought possible 
It blinds and simultaneously opens us 

What Love? 
Why Love? 
How Love? 
Why question at all? 
When answers are not forth coming 
The only answer is Love 

An old hymn talks about Divine Love
That if the skies were 'of parchment made' 
And every man or woman a 'scribe by trade' 
And if the sea was ink 
And every blade of grass a quill
It still would not be enough to write about how deep, how wide, how tall 
The Love of God is 

I've heard that Pure Love is the highest form of energy 
The highest level at which one can exist 
In which there is 
No Fear 
No anger 
No greed 
No hurt 
No pain 
No attachment to anything or anyone 
How beautiful to know this Love 
How much more beautiful to live in this realm of purity 
Where we do not walk but float 
Where tears flow not out of sadness but joy 
Where eyes sparkle in wonder 
At seeing inexpressible, inexhaustible, incomprehensible Beauty 

So much Love all around us 
And all we need to do is open our eyes 
Our hearts 
Our very Souls 
To feel it first 
And then share 
Not just 'like' or 'comment' 
But truly 'Share' 
So that there would be no time or energy to feel anything other than 

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