Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Something beautiful

There's something Beautiful 
About life
It seems to be like a great ocean filled with sparkling drops 
Each drop representing a memory 
A Moment 
And we are filled with the knowing that 
There is something to be 
Learned in each precious Moment 
Moments that happen 
Moments that we make happen
That leave behind poignant memories 
Yes memories come and 
Memories go 
But at every moment we have in our hands 
Power to make that Moment special 

How special one might ask? 
Special is after all subjective 
It really doesn't matter 
We only understand the 'specialness' of a moment after it's gone 
True 'specialness' is meant to be lived in the moment 
Because once it's gone it's gone 
Never to return 
And no amount of intelligence or physical strength can bring it back 

But for every moment that may seem 
To have gone wrong 
We are granted by the Great Giver 
Another potent moment 
To either make right or make Better 
Joyful moments filled with to the brim 
With Happiness 
With Hope 
With Laughter 
With Togetherness 
Most of all though, filled 
With Love 
Because Love is 
Something Beautiful 

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